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Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

The IFT is part of the Mexican delegation at the XXVI meeting of the Standing Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (Press Release 39/2015)

The IFT is part of the Mexican delegation at the XXVI meeting of the Standing Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission


  • The representation of the Institute seeks to strengthen the international presence of this regulatory body as well as boosting the issues of the rights of users and the use of telecommunications in emergency situations.


From May 26 to 29 this year, the XXVI Meeting of the Permanent Consultative Committee I (PCC.I) of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones, CITEL), in the city of Cusco, Peru takes place, in which participate all the member states of the Commission, including Mexico and some partner organizations.

Citel is a specialized Organization of the American States, responsible for the promotion and comprehensive and sustainable development of telecommunications and information and communications technology. To fulfill these functions, Citel has an Assembly, the highest body of decision, a Permanent Executive Committee and two specialized committees. The first is the Standing Committee I, SAC.I, which advises the Commission on regulation, standardization and public international telecommunications policies and ICT. The second (Standing Committee II, SAC.II) adviser in the promotion, planning, coordination, harmonization and efficient use of radio spectrum and satellite orbits.

As part of the Mexican delegation, a working group of IFT participates in the meeting of the SAC.I in order to introduce the members of the Committee progress on the rights of users, such as indicators of satisfaction of services, tool for querying lists of stolen or lost mobile phones and the status of the project for the eventual implementation of early warning of emergencies.

As part of the meeting, various activities have been conducted such as workshop called "Emergency communications. From preparation to regional action" which was held on May 25 and was organized in collaboration with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Also, this May 28 the seminar "Methodologies for measuring user satisfaction indicators of telecommunications services" is performed. In both activities IFT officials were invited as panelists.

IFT participation in high-level international meetings allows to present the progress made in Mexico, strengthen the daily work of the Institute with internationally recognized best practices and create greater certainty for investors. Likewise, it enables positioning the Institute as a reference regulatory body at the regional and international levels.

 Fecha del Comunicado: 28 May 2015

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