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IFT congratulates the ITU and avows their work in the framework of its 150th anniversary (Press Release 36/2015)

IFT congratulates the ITU and avows their work in the framework of its 150th anniversary


  • This day is commemorated the foundation of the international body of which Mexico is part since 1908
  • World Telecommunication Day and the Information Society is also celebrated


Today the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is celebrated, the United Nations specialized agency for Information and communications technology (ICT), in memory of the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention, which was performed on May 17th, 1865.

This anniversary is special because the international organization adds its first 150 years of  existence, which organizes throughout the year, both at its headquarters in Geneva and in the rest of the world, various activities under the theme "Telecommunication / ICT: innovation drivers."

As part of this celebration, the IFT recognizes the important work that ITU has developed in a century and a half in favor of telecommunications and ICTs.

Today is World Day of Telecommunications and Information Society is also celebrated, as every year since 2006, when it was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly. Therefore, it seeks to spread the benefits of Internet and other information technologies and communications can bring to societies and economies, to function as catalysts of regional and global development and as a means to contribute to economic growth and general prosperity.

This celebration is also intended to promote an information society focused on people, accessible, inclusive and development-oriented.

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the ITU and the World Telecommunication Day and Information Society, IFT reiterates the importance that the body has to maintain and extend international cooperation in the use of telecommunications facilities for the development and economic growth of nations.

 Fecha del Comunicado: 17 May 2015

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