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Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones

IFT Plenary meets with the President of the National Commission of Markets and Competition in Spain (Press Release 34/2015)

IFT Plenary meets with the President of the National Commission of Markets and Competition in Spain


  • They exchanged views on competition and regulation in the telecommunications sector
  • They resolved to work together towards the establishment of a cooperation agreement on economic competition and regulation in the field of telecommunications, broadcasting and the audiovisual media.


Today, the Plenary of the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) met with José María Marín, President of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia, CNMC). Both institutions are, in their respective countries, both regulators of the telecommunications and broadcasting and competition authorities of the same, so that during the meeting both sides expressed their intention to work towards the establishment of a collaborative agreement in their common responsibilities.

President Marín Quemada took the occasion to lecture the IFT officials the main conference "Managing the competition and regulation: the case of the CNMC" on the functioning of the European framework of competition and the importance of the CNMC role to ensure competition and regulate markets and production sectors of the Spanish economy.

Thus, through meetings with other regulators and competition authorities, the IFT strengthens and updates its knowledge of the regulatory frameworks of other countries, and leverages these relationships to adopt international best practices for the benefit of consumers and users.

 Fecha del Comunicado: 11 May 2015

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